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    Location :

    Online Webinars

    Duration :

    6 Weeks

    Special Discount Now!

    PKR 3,500.00

    Live Online Administration and Office Management

    Total: 6 Sessions (Every Sunday from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM)

    The role of an office management is one of the most crucial in any organization. Being responsible for the proper coordination and alignment of internal operations, office manager faces numerous challenges, which are sometimes quite difficult to overcome. Professional administrator duties and responsibilities require advanced interpersonal communication, organizational and other office manager skills. This office management training course helps you to deal with any potential problem you may have in this position. Boost your productivity and apply the best time management techniques to your daily life. The course in office management and administration is highly practice-oriented, and participants will spend the majority of the training sessions in practicing exercises and techniques, role-playing, and engaging in active discussions.

    • Operating System  (Advance Features) 
    • MS Word  (Advance Features)
    • MS Excel  (Advance Features)
    • MS PowerPoint  (Advance Features)
    • MS Outlook  (Bulk Emails Setup & Operating)
    • Internet Operating & Research